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Alzheimer's Walk

Gobble Gobble Give 

Say No to Drugs 

Kathy Ireland's Christmas Celebration

​Every year around October myself and the robotics team volunteer and assist the walk coordinators with anything help they need to make the event go smooth

Community Service

Toys for Tots

Along with the schools robotics team , every year we volunteer as walk guides, sign ins, and distributors of liquids at the Aids walk Los Angeles

Thanksgiving day is a day to be thankful and appreciative, that's why I volunteer to prepare meals every year at the Gobble Gobble Give event in Echo park .

Every year the Robotics team and I volunteer as Course Workers and break down and clean up crew at the Say No to Drugs walk

During the holidays the school took a group of 1st graders to a 911 for kids event where I assisted as a chaperone for a group of kids​

During the Christmas Holidays , along with the group of friends we volunteered at a the Pasadena Toys for tots where we helped arrange toys from ages and sizes and where w packaged them to be ready to be sent out to kids to enjoy.

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